Adrian Zissos Orienteering Development Grant
Orienteering Canada is pleased to announce the latest application window for a grant funded by money that Adrian Zissos bequeathed to Orienteering Canada. Three grants of up to $1000 each are available annually to projects that do at least one of the following (with a view to long term growth for the sport of orienteering)
1) Develop orienteering in a new geographical area (mapping, officials/coach training of individuals in new area, starting a new club);
2) start a new and distinctive program or expand an existing program in a distinctive way; or
3) promote collaboration between orienteering clubs and associations with a new initiative.
The goal of this grant program is to encourage clubs to push beyond what they have traditionally been doing; to try new initiatives that will help to grow and modernize the sport.
The 2025 application deadline is May 31st.

team canada
02.20.2025Adrian Zissos Orienteering Development Grant
Learn more about this grant to help develop orienteering in Canada. Applications due March 31, 2025.
team canada
07.01.2024Did you know? On-line training is available for O100
The 1st level of training to become an Orienteering Official is O100, which trains you to put on local orienteering events. The training is done in two stages (theory and practical). The theory portion can be done online,
team canada
03.07.2024It's a go! Orienteering Learning Summit Aug 12-13
The Orienteering Canada Learning Summit will be Aug 12-13. There will be a variety of learning opportunities for coaches, officials and mappers. Join us!
team canada
10.10.2023Adrian Zissos Orienteering Development Grant
Learn more about this grant to help develop orienteering in Canada.
team canada
06.27.2023Let's Talk Orienteering Webinar
MeOS Tips & Tricks - and Orienteering Ontario webinar presented by Eric Teutsch.
team canada
05.31.2023Updated Competition Rules
The Orienteering Canada competition rules are updated annually. Here is the 2023 version.
team canada
05.30.2023Coach Communiqué
Here's the latest update from Orienteering Canada's Coaching Program Committee
team canada
02.01.2023Course Planning for relays
Organizing a relay? Here are some tips.