
Adrian Zissos Orienteering Development Grant

Orienteering Canada is pleased to announce the latest application window for a grant funded by money that Adrian Zissos bequeathed to Orienteering Canada. Three grants of up to $1000 each are available annually to projects that do at least one of the following (with a view to long term growth for the sport of orienteering)

1) Develop orienteering in a new geographical area (mapping, officials/coach training of individuals in new area, starting a new club);
2) start a new and distinctive program or expand an existing program in a distinctive way; or
3) promote collaboration between orienteering clubs and associations with a new initiative.

The goal of this grant program is to encourage clubs to push beyond what they have traditionally been doing; to try new initiatives that will help to grow and modernize the sport. 

The 2025 application deadline is May 31st.

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