About Us
Providing Leadership & Resources
Orienteering Canada has provided leadership and resources to those involved in Canadian orienteering since 1967 – from coaches, officials and volunteers to athletes and youth leaders.
Our Mission
To develop, promote and coordinate the sport of orienteering in Canada for all ages and at all levels of participation.

Our Vision
We envision a future where Canadian Orienteering is:
Our Core Objectives
Increased Awareness of Orienteering
We are proud of our sport and seek to celebrate it whenever possible. We work to increase and maintain a positive profile and enhance public awareness of our sport and of Orienteering Canada. We offer a welcoming environment to people as they learn about and engage in our sport.
A Strong and Unified Orienteering Community
We develop, deliver and promote relevant programs and services that provide positive experiences for our members at all levels of participation. We partner with individuals, clubs, and Provincial/Territorial Associations as together we strive to build capacity and sustainability at the local, regional and national level.
An Environment that Supports Competitive Success
We support and encourage orienteers as they strive to attain their competitive goals. We offer programming and racing opportunities for athletes who want to reach their maximum potential. We provide high performance support and services for athletes with the desire and potential to compete internationally for Canada.
Organizational Excellence
We work to ensure organizational excellence through the continued development of an effective governance structure and organizational leadership that will contribute to increased long-term stability and sustainability of Orienteering Canada and the sport of orienteering in Canada.
Our Strategic Plan
Setting Our Course to 2030
Our Strategic plan outlines our route to achieving our core objectives by 2030.
Our Board
Meet the Board of Directors of Orienteering Canada.
Committees, Policies & Governing Documents
Here's a list of all our committees and their members. All Orienteering Canada committees are governed by set procedures.
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Here you will find everything you need around our equity and access policy, appeal policy, donation policy and all other key policies.
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Governing Documents
Here are our by-laws, incorporation documents, roles & responsibility descriptions for Board Members and other governance related info.
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Annual General Meeting
Orienteering Canada's AGM is the anual gathering when voting members discuss and decide on the business tasks of the association (electing board members, revising by-laws, reviewing financial statements)
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