
Updated Competition Rules
The Orienteering Canada rules are updated annually. Here are the latest changes:
Changes to Rules – 2022
- Change the word “shall” to “must” (215 instances)
- If an out-of-bounds area marked on a map is not obvious it must also be marked in the terrain. (Rules 13.6.2 and 15.4.2)
- If a problem is found with a control during an event the Organizers are to use principles of fair play to deal with it. (Rule 13.3.10 - new Rule)
- Remove unnecessary references to either gender in the Rules and be more gender neutral (Rules 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 15.6.2, 15.8.4, and 16.6.5)
- Prohibit the use of drones by Participants (Rule 15.3.2)
- Change cases of the use of the term “on the ground” to “in the terrain” to be consistent with OC terminology. (Rule 2.1.1 and 15.4.3)
Changes to Rules – 2023
- Established explicit rules on gender expression and clarified other gender related rules (Rules 6.1.1, 6.1.5, 6.2.3)
- The term “start” has been split into “start line”, ”start triangle”, and “start area”. (Rules 10.3,13.1.1,13.1.2,13.1.3,9.9,9.11,9.16,10.3,14.1.6, 14.2.5,14.2.6,14.3.1)
- Changes to Bulletins (Rule 11.1.3,11.1.4)
- Protest Fees (Rule 16.5.4)
- Levy for NAOC (Rule 17.6.1)
- A couple items made optional instead of mandatory (Rules 6.2.1, 6.3.1)
- Use of (W ) extended to include NAOCs (bottom of cover page)
- Change in protest process (Rule 16.5.2)
- Changes to shadowing (Rules 1.30, 15.3.5)
- Use of cellphones (new rule 15.3.7)
- Change to posting of map legend at the start area (Rule 9.11)
team canada
02.20.2025Adrian Zissos Orienteering Development Grant
Learn more about this grant to help develop orienteering in Canada. Applications due March 31, 2025.
team canada
07.01.2024Did you know? On-line training is available for O100
The 1st level of training to become an Orienteering Official is O100, which trains you to put on local orienteering events. The training is done in two stages (theory and practical). The theory portion can be done online,
team canada
03.07.2024It's a go! Orienteering Learning Summit Aug 12-13
The Orienteering Canada Learning Summit will be Aug 12-13. There will be a variety of learning opportunities for coaches, officials and mappers. Join us!
team canada
10.10.2023Adrian Zissos Orienteering Development Grant
Learn more about this grant to help develop orienteering in Canada.
team canada
06.27.2023Let's Talk Orienteering Webinar
MeOS Tips & Tricks - and Orienteering Ontario webinar presented by Eric Teutsch.
team canada
05.31.2023Updated Competition Rules
The Orienteering Canada competition rules are updated annually. Here is the 2023 version.
team canada
05.30.2023Coach Communiqué
Here's the latest update from Orienteering Canada's Coaching Program Committee
team canada
02.01.2023Course Planning for relays
Organizing a relay? Here are some tips.