Competition information

The structure of orienteering competitions in Canada

There are a variety of competitions types in Canadian orienteering. The lovely thing about the sport is that all ages and levels are welcome at almost all orienteering events.

There are 3 levels of orienteering events in Canada:

C Events

  • C events are training events, relatively informal in terms of how and when people start and the competition is organized.
  • C events usually have a small number of levels (we call them courses) available. There are often 3 courses: a beginner, intermediate and advanced course. Sometimes there will be two advanced courses: advanced - short and advanced - long.
  • Most events in Canada are C events.

B Events

  • B events are more formal than C events. There are usually distinct age classes and a more formal start procedure. These events will definitely be timed.

Canada Cups

  • Canada Cups are also known as A events.
  • Canada Cup races have the full suite of age classes (see the course & class guidelines below) and assigned start times, a formal start procedure, etc.
  • Championship events such as the Canadian and North American Championships will be Canada Cup level events. Provincial championships and other larger events are often Canada Cup races.
  • For clubs wishing to host a Canada Cup event, the Canada Cup sanctioning request form (see below) needs to be filled out and submitted.

World Ranking Events

There is additional level of competition in Canada - a World Ranking Event (WRE). This type of race is sanctioned by the International Orienteering Federation and is specific to the elite ages classes. WREs allow athletes in the elite classes to collect world ranking points which contribute to an individuals' world ranking. See below for the sanctioning form. Additional information about organizing a WRE is available on the IOF site.

Orienteering Canada Support to World Ranking Events in Canada
Orienteering Canada will pay the IOF WRE fees, and will provide $200 to the local Canadian organizing committee for each World Ranking event organized in Canada, to assist with expenses related to the WRE Advisor.

Age Categories vs Open Categories

Canada Cups events will usually have Open categories in addition to the age classes. Open categories are just that - any age and gender can register in any Open class. Open classes are non-competitive. Open classes are a great fit for newcomers to the sport who maybe want to do a course that is less challenging than the course offered in their age class.

Contact the event organizer if you need some help to decide which category is the best fit for you.

Understanding the 5 levels of Technical Difficulty

  • Beginner course: Technical Difficulty (TD) 1

    Typically follows marked and easy to follow trails to controls on or near trail for the easiest navigation and shortest distance to cover. Basic map following required.

  • Novice course: Technical Difficulty (TD) 2

    Typically follows trails or distinct line features. Some simple route choices may be required. Slightly more challenge than Beginner course, with some longer legs.

  • Intermediate course: Technical Difficulty (TD) 3

    Some route choice along trails. Requires some basic compass skills and ability to navigate to nearby large and distinct features. Controls are on distinct features. Detailed complex terrain is to be avoided.

  • Advanced course: Technical Difficulty (TD) 4

    Will tackle the entire map on trail and off, using route choices through more difficult terrain, streams forests and all; good navigation skills required. (Similar to TD5 but shorter and less physically challenging).

  • Expert/Elite course: Technical Difficulty (TD) 5

    Complex route choices, detailed terrain. Requires good rough and precision navigation, as well as physical stamina.

Contact us with any questions