Orienteering By Foot
Walk or Run
Orienteering by foot is arguably the most well-known form of orienteering. When orienteering by foot, the orienteer navigates their way through a course using a map and compass while running or walking.

Find Your Way
The map gives detailed information on the terrain such as hills, trails, vegetation, and buildings, etc. Foot orienteering happens in two types of terrain: urban or forest. During a forest orienteering event, orienteers are required to find their way through forests and all different types of cross country terrain. Urban orienteering takes participants through the streets and avenues of a town or city.

Choose Your Way
The sport can be as recreational or as competitive as desired. To be successful recreationally, all you need is some reasonable footwear, a good attitude and an openness to learning how to interpret all the information on the map. To be successful competitively, the participant needs excellent map reading skills, absolute concentration and the ability to make quick decisions on the best route while running at high speed.